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Key Stage 1 is the first Primary Phase at North Wootton Academy and as such, the pupil's learning follows the requirements set out for each subject in the National Curriculum.

This phase is an exciting time for our young learners in which there is a huge development in the basic skills of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, with there often being a dramatic change in these skills during the two school years e.g. children move on from writing a few simple words in a sentence to writing descriptive stories.

Possibly the most important subject of all during this time is Reading as this is a skill that underpins almost all of their learning and the children are at a critical age to develop this skill. Therefore, there is a huge focus on Phonics, building upon the work in Reception. This is also the time when you, as a family, can support the learning process, the most, through listening to your child read regularly - this really is one of the most important factors in a child's successful education. 

However, as our curriculum overviews below illustrate, where the pupil's learning is broken more explicitly into subjects such as Science and History. As such, we introduce some of the key concepts that underpin these academic subjects as well as how to work scientifically or to work like a historian. Many of these lessons involve a large oral or talk task to ensure that the pupils are developing the language skills needed to support this learning. 

Year 1/2 Curriculum Overview - Year AYear 1/2 Curriculum Overview - Year B