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What is a Motivational Passport?              

Motivational Passports have taken over from the Children's University scheme which encourages children to develop a love of learning. This is achieved by encouraging and celebrating participation in extra-curricular activities in and outside school.

At North Wootton Academy we offer a wide range of after-school activities from Year 1 upwards. Every time a child attends an after school club the time they spend is logged on the club register. Each hour being one credit. Hours are banked and accumulate year-on-year.

Once children gain enough hours (See below) they will attend a Graduation Ceremony. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the children’s many talents, skills and achievements in their learning beyond the school day.



At the end of the academic year, there will be a graduation ceremony, where the achievements of children who hold Motivation Passports is celebrated. Children who have achieved in excess of 30 hours, will be awarded certificates. The table below shows the certificates and the number of hours associated with each one. 

  Bronze Level Silver Level Gold Level 
Awards Bronze Award (30 hours) Silver Award (65 hours) Gold Award (100 hours)
  Bronze Certificate (130 hours) Silver Certificate (165 hours) Gold Certificate (200 hours)
  Bronze Diploma (230 hours) Silver Diploma (265 hours) Gold Diploma (300 hours)
  Bronze Degree (330 hours) Silver Degree (365 hours) Gold Degree (400 hours)
  Bronze Postgraduate Award (430 hours) Silver Postgraduate Award (465 hours) Gold Postgraduate Award (500 hours)
  Bronze Postgraduate Certificate (530 hours) Silver Postgraduate Certificate (565 hours) Gold Postgraduate Certificate (600 hours)
  Bronze Postgraduate Diploma (630 hours) Silver Postgraduate Diploma (665 hours) Gold Postgraduate Diploma (700 hours)
  Bronze Postgraduate Masters Degree (730 hours) Silver Postgraduate Masters Degree (765 hours) Gold Postgraduate Masters Degree (800 hours)
  Bronze Doctorate (830 hours) Silver Doctorate (865 hours) Gold Doctorate (900 hours)
  Bronze Fellowship (930 hours) Silver Fellowship (965 hours) Gold Fellowship (100 hours)
How to collect credits  

Your child can collect credits for every hour of extra-curricular activity that they complete. 1 hour = 1 credit. Credits should be recorded in the Motivation Passport by the leader of the club attended. This can be done on a weekly basis or in bulk at the end of a term. A maximum of 10 credits can be earned per activity, per term. If you are looking to collect credits from visiting a museum or participating in an activity such as a library reading challenge, then please ask a member of staff to sign the passport to acknowledge completion of the activity. Please note that if your child is collecting credits from a club provided by the school (such as an after-school activity or music lessons) these will be added on by the school office when passports are handed in at the end of each term. 

Where can credits be collected from?

Your child can collect credits by participating in extra learning activities that take place outside of the normal school day. This can include clubs that are attended through school (such as Music and Movement or Lego club), music lessons (both those provided by Miss Dix at school or through externally provided tuition), external clubs such as sporting clubs, Brownies, drama classes etc and when attending places of educational interest (such as museums and library events/challenges). A maximum of 10 credits can be earned per activity, per term. 

Motivational Passport can be purchased from the School Office or on Scopay for £3.