History at North Wootton Academy
In learning to be an historian, our pupils will understand how to look at evidence from the past to understand how and why things have changed over time and how this influences our present day lives.
History plays a central role within the curriculum at North Wootton Academy and is fundamental to our wider school mission of creating ‘Leaders of Lynn’. King’s Lynn and Norfolk have enjoyed a rich history and we feel it is essential that pupils have a clear understanding of this within the wider British and World context as a basis in which to develop pride in their community, their county and their country. The 2014 National Curriculum for history aims to ensure that all children:
Gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world which helps to stimulate children’s curiosity to know more about the past.
Children should learn to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement.
To begin to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.
These skills are developed through progressing through a chronological history of British history from Stone Age to present day and is organised as follows:
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) follows the ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ guidance which aims for all children in reception to have an ‘Understanding of the World; people and communities, the world and technology’ by the end of the academic year.
In Year 1 & 2 pupils learn about the Stone Age, Iron Age and early Invaders and Settlers
In Year 3 & 4 pupils learn of Middle Ages as well as the Ancient Civilizations of Greece
In Year 5 & 6 pupils learn from Victorian times until the present day as well as a focus on ‘The Crusades.’
Generally, the school aims to teach within a chronological order; however, with mixed age classes some adaptation is required to ensure a coherent understanding.
In addition, the school wishes the pupils to have a clear understanding of the town’s history with local studies focusing upon key periods and figures:
In Year 1 & 2 Sir Robert Walpole and King’s Lynn maritime heritage
In Year 3 & 4 Captain Vancouver and the Hanseatic League
In Year 5 & 6 Frederick Savage and War time Norfolk
Wherever possible, the history topics also provide the basis of the school’s topic work linking directly with much of the school’s art and design, geography and English curriculum, also linking directly with the PHSE programme of study. It is felt that this is key to ensure pupils have a clear understanding of where our past is a key element to understanding British Society today.
In line with our school values of TEAMWORK, we strive to create a supportive and collaborative ethos for learning by providing investigative and enquiry based learning opportunities; moreover, within Key Stage 2, this subject often forms the context for our termly home learning projects in which pupils can further study an area of the subject that interests them the most.
Pupils’ accumulation of historical knowledge is assessed half termly through quizzes linked to core knowledge of each area. The school also uses Key Performance Indicators linked directly to the enquiry skills needed to independently explore an area of history within an investigative project; evidence of this learning is recorded within the school’s online work samples and will be the basis of moderation within the year.
Curriculum Overview
History Overview - Reception to Y6
Key Progression
Whole School History Progression