Mathematics at North Wootton Academy
At North Wootton Academy, we aim to provide our pupils with a high-quality mathematics education that equips them with key skills and conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts and develops their ability to communicate their mathematical reasoning and become critical thinkers.
We aim to:
● develop mathematical competency and skills and understanding across key concepts
● develop fluent mathematicians who are confident and able to apply their mathematical knowledge to a variety of problems
● develop pupils’ ability to reason about mathematical concepts and make connections within the mathematics programme of study, the whole school curriculum and between disciplines and the wider world
● develop independent problem solvers who take risks in their learning and challenge themselves
● foster an enjoyment of mathematics and create critical thinkers
Curriculum – The mathematics curriculum is structured into units for each year group. Units are designed to focus on one specific area of the mathematics curriculum so that pupils have time to deepen their understanding as well as making connections across the different areas of learning.
Pedagogical approach – The school is currently embedding a mastery approach in teaching, following a sustaining mastery programme alongside the Cambridgeshire Maths HUB. We strongly believe that becoming a mastery school will help us to deliver our mathematical intent and continue to raise attainment and enjoyment of mathematical learning throughout the school.
Classroom practices – In classrooms, there are many systems in place to support us in achieving our aims. Throughout the school, children are taught to become fluent in the key mathematical concepts.
In Key Stage 1 and EYFS, classes have a Number of the Day, within which pupils are taught to make connections and apply their understanding of mathematical concepts through just one number.
In Key Stage 2, all children complete Fluent in Five, which is 5-minute daily sessions looking at fluency within calculations and developing reasoning through discussion of appropriate methods.
Across the school a CPA (concrete, pictorial and abstract) approach is applied to support depth of understanding across calculations and mathematical concepts (examples noted in calculation policy).
Every maths lesson includes an element of fluency, reasoning and problem solving to develop a depth of understanding across the mathematics curriculum.
Learning tasks are adapted so pupils can access them, with support in place using scaffolding and tasks are extended in a way designed to deepen thinking and develop problem solving and reasoning skills.
Daily – On a daily basis, live marking is used. This gives the children immediate feedback on their learning and allows teachers to understand progress in a lesson and identify gaps in learning. These gaps are plugged either through immediate intervention in the lesson or during a short catch-up session later.
Additional tracking – Fluency is tracked on a half termly basis to allow staff to identify quickly any ongoing areas of weakness that may need to be addressed in a more formal intervention setting for a short period of time and allows for vulnerable groups to be tracked carefully. In addition, from Year 2 upwards, more formal termly assessments are used (PiXL tests and SATs papers) and full QLAs are taken.
All of this information is used to make a termly judgement about the working level of each pupil; these are then quality assured through a data validation process in data, books and teaching are reviewed by the subject leader and discussed with class teachers to ensure accuracy in assessment. All SEND, EAL and pupil premium champions track these cohorts specifically on a half-termly basis and conduct pupil progress reviews twice yearly. Regarding SEND pupils, this may involve the reviewing of their progress on NAP steps as required for pupils 2 years below the expected level.
Curriculum Overview
Maths Overview 2023-24 - Reception to Y6
Key Progression
Teaching progression multiplication and division